After leaving the picturesque town of Promostine the Heart of Gold and her crew were headed south in a hurry. An old friend,(Jay) was flying in to the Greek island of Corfu to meet up with us and we were behind schedule.
When Sean and I arrived to work on the boat we had hot, 90 + weather for the first few days but about half way through getting her ready we hit a week straight of rain. Needless to say this put us behind schedule.
From Promostine we went south east and spent a night in a nice inlet bay on the mainland. The wind was blowing form the north off the head of the bay. The numerous boats in the anchorage made for an exciting obstacle course for us to tack through. As usual we got a few looks. After dropping anchor we cooked a quick meal and hit the sack preparing for a 5:45am departure the next morning.
Heading south to the Croatian Island of Havar we encountered some strong southerly winds lucky our heading was just enough for us to have a close hall heading for most of the sail. As we approached the ancient town of Havar it quickly became apparent that with the winds the anchorage would be no good for us. Luckily one of the off lying islands provided and well protected anchorage and there was even a water taxi to fairy us into the town of Havar. The strong southerly winds kept us hunkered down here for three days before we could head south again.
Looks like Sean got his .5 L Gratis of Lowenbrau. So, nice story but watch out for spell check it doesn't protect against homonyms, eg. close hauled and ferry vs Tinkerbell. Sorry it is the English teacher in me. Hey, Enosis is still sitting out front with no hardware on the stern so I am still landlocked, beached, marooned and need my daily sailing fix. Thanks and keep it comming.